Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Everything Changes

Sniff. Sniff. Gone are the days of 3 little preschoolers, constant messes, an emphasis on "sharing," and the glorious 2 o'clock naptime. It's weird. I still have some of that stuff (the mess and haphazard naps), but we are in a different "phase." It's Elementary, my dear Watson.

Obviously it's been a while since that was my life, but for some reason I feel it. I don't have hours to devote to the phone. Don't know any one's schedule except my own. This may all seem very silly, but I used to talk to my friends all the time and (gasp!) even know their weekend plans. This was B.Fb.---Before Facebook--do you remember?

I've really noticed a change in my relationships. Some of it has been painful or disappointing...sometimes in others...sometimes in myself. And some of the changes have brought incredible joy and happiness.

In evaluating many of my friendships (which is not always easy), I discovered the key to success is a solid foundation. If it's not Christ, it's gonna be rough aka a hotmess. And even with other believers things don't always go the way we think that they should...and it's OK. Prayer and forgiveness are vital.

BTW, God has really blessed my socks off with some godly friends. Surprisingly, our relationships are not what I used to think friendships were or looked like. I guess I've had a cultural view of friendships for most of my life and didn't know it. I don't talk to any of them daily. Crazy!

Note to self: All relationships are changing all the time. Nothing stays the same. Make peace with the changes that are inevitable. I need to love others without ANY expectation. Be thankful for God's Word and the Holy Spirit. Find comfort trusting that our Heavenly Father knows exactly who we need and when we'll need them.

1 comment:

  1. You are so wise beyond your years. You are so right about relationships and friendships.

    The preschool years...difficult but rewarding. I bet elementary years, especially as a homeschooler, is difficult and rewarding in its own way.
