We welcomed our newest honeypie into the world at the end of May. My labor and delivery went really smoothly (thank You, Lord!) and Munch was born without any complications. Shane lent a helping hand during delivery---that was a first! We had excellent care from my OB and the hospital staff. It was an awesome experience.
Munch is a sweetheart and actually a really easy baby. We had a rough start during the first week (anyone who has nursed may identify), but everyday things get better. Tater, E-Dog, and Dubs are loving their new little brother. They're enjoying getting to know him and learning what taking care of a newborn entails. There is no shortage of arms to hold him! As he stays awake more and more, they talk to him and laugh at his funny little baby faces. It is beautiful to watch. As a mother, I once again am having the priviledge of falling in love. To me there is no other way to describe it...it feels like you fall in love with your children.
So we've entered a new chapter. This pregnancy and birth were so different. To have God put the desire in my heart for a child, get pregnant, miscarry, then the waiting/wondering every month, finding out again that I was pregnant, being scared to lose him throughout the pregnancy, feeling relief and joy at having Munch be born, and now getting to take care of and love him....it is beyond words. (Very aware of the run-on) ~~I'm so thankful for how God has worked and provided. Over and over, He shows me love that no human can. Overwhelmed in a glorious way. My hands and my heart are full.