Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Is a Friend a Friend on FB?

I know that this is silly, but it's just a thought. We have all done it. Accepted or made a friend request to or from someone that isn't really a friend. They aren't rotten. They aren't vile. They aren't your friend either.
Why am I asking such a silly question? Well, I recently discovered that I was unfriended ((GASP)) by someone that I thought was my friend, and not just on FB. It was surprising (we've been friends for a few years). I just saw this person and spoke with her the other day. Nothing was awkward, and certainly nothing happened for me to wonder if we were "friends."
Today I just happened to go to her page and realized we weren't friends anymore.
Now granted, this is not the first or last time I will be a casulty of unfriending. A few dirtbags have dropped me. Kidding.:)
But, I also know that the only people I've dropped are people that I don't desire connection with anymore (and maybe never did, but hit accept without really evaluating). Was just wondering what you think of FB friends that unfriend you that you considered a friend.
Do you ask them about it?
Do you let it go?

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Baby Love

Our little bundle is doing great! At my last OB appointment we got to see him again and have a really thorough ultrasound. It is amazing what they can see on those things! They can see if the brain is developing correctly, if the organs are in the right spots, if the blood in the heart is flowing properly, etc. With all of our other children, the technology wasn't as advanced. It is such a blessing to be able to see things early, and if necessary get prepared/educated on whatever you'll be facing.

We also got to see little bits and pieces of him with the 3D (or 4D..not sure) pictures. Those weren't standard six years ago, so it is also new for us to even have a glimpse of him early. And who says that the more you have, the less exciting? It is certainly not the case for us. Everyday we all talk about how we are closer to meeting him. I must tell Shane four or five times a day that I'm excited. This has been such a heart journey for us.

Two things have really surprised me during this time.

1. The joy and anticipation. I was telling Shane today that it has contradicted what I expected to feel. I thought I would be happy, but maybe not like this...our world sends the message that the more you have, the less special they are. It is such a lie!

2. The way that God has provided. Between clothes, toys, and gear, the Lord is pouring out blessings (things that originally we had concern over). How will we afford this and that? What a waste of time to worry. God knows exactly what we need and is faithful to give.

Over the next few months we'll be getting everything together. Less than 18 weeks til we meet our little honey pie!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Must Develop Pictures!

Dubs 2010

Want this one in their bedroom.

Don't see this much now that they are older. :(

Want this forever.


The one down side for me with everything being digital: I no longer develop pictures and haven't really since switching over. I have so many pictures that are on a disc or whatever. Most are just left on the camera forever. Grr. Must get motivated to get some of these jokers printed.
(This is how most sessions end up...one is uncooperative.)